Certification and certification marks

Electrical and Electronics Institute has expanded the scope of operations beyond product testing and factory inspections. We are open for product certification services with the EEI Mark to build confidence for buyers or consumers in terms of quality and safety. The general principles for product certification are comprised of products having quality in compliance with the standards and the manufacturer has an adequate quality control system to maintain product quality in accordance with standards consistently.

EEI, Product Certification Body, was accredited of the quality management system TIS 17065 or ISO/IEC 17065 in 2015 in order to facilitate the process of certification of electrical and electronic products. To support manufacturers to export products to various countries. more widely and quickly. EEI also has joined the mutual agreement system to accept each other’s product certification results. Both at the regional and international levels, such as

  • Agreement on the ASEAN Harmonized Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulatory Regime (AHEEERR).
  • CB Scheme operated by the IEC System of Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE)

The product certification body has also been trusted by the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) to carry out the program of PEA Product Acceptance (PPA). This program makes the certification and registration System criteria for 3 pilot products that consisting of Distribution transformers, electronic meters and electrical insulators such products must be tested according to specified standards and perform factory audit. Products are randomly selected for testing. Including annual monitoring. If the product passes the above criteria The institute will issue certificates and certification marks for the products.

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