
Electrical and Electronics Intelligence Unit

Industrial Development and Promotion Center

Industrial Service Center

Electrical and Electronics Intelligence Unit

The focus is on analyzing the status of the Thai electrical and electronics industry and developing industry databases to keep pace with continuously changing situations. This is to provide guidance, issue warnings, and accurately predict industry trends in the future. Additionally, there is a commitment to leading strategic research related to the electrical and electronics industry and related industries, as well as analyzing and monitoring regulations, risk factors, and trade issues that may impact the industry sector. This is to propose recommendations to the government for policy development to elevate sustainable industry and enable the private sector to align their operations with the future direction of the global industry.

Industrial Development and Promotion Center

Develop entrepreneurs and personnel in the electrical and electronics industry to enhance their capabilities, productivity, and potential in alignment with business environment factors and technological advancements that are constantly changing. This includes providing in-depth consulting and advice by transferring knowledge in standards, productivity management techniques, product design and development, improving production process efficiency with robotics, automation, and digital technologies. Additionally, it involves encouraging entrepreneurs to create business networks among themselves by promoting market channel connections, learning modern technologies, and studying both domestic and international business practices. This aims to further business negotiations (Business Matching) and generate revenue for the country.

Industrial Service Center

The Institute of Electrical Standards and Product Certification offers comprehensive services in standards and product certification. It develops and expands the scope of services including product testing, calibration, factory inspection, and product certification according to the requirements of Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) and international standards. Additionally, it provides certification for tax privileges under government measures aimed at addressing the tariff discrepancy issue between imported and domestically manufactured finished products, which helps reduce production costs, enhance competitiveness for domestic manufacturers, and stimulate investment to elevate the domestic industry development to be on par with international industries.

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